A few months ago I walked into Sally's to browse around to see what I could find. While browsing I cam upon this magnificent brush called the Tangle Teezer. There were only two left and me being the frugal person I am questioned whether or not to get it. It was priced around ten dollars and to me that is money I could spend on ten items on the dollar menu at McDonald's.
It was really cool looking and the colors were pretty so I decided to go ahead and try it. As soon as the lady rang me up I went to my truck, opened the box and tried it. Heaven on my head is what it felt like. I found that it works better with hair than it does dry hair though.
When I took a shower I quickly put the Tangle Teezer to my wet hair and felt it just glide through. Usually I'm yanking a brush through my hair and watch as my hair breaks off into the brush. Now if there are big tangles it does pull a little but not enough to hurt.
As you can see there are more colors to choose from. I have the purple/pink one. I also have the Tangle Teezer Original. If you go online to http://www.tangleteezer.com/products.php#%23prod=NO-PU-011012&cat=original you can see the all the different ones they have.
I absolutely love my Tangle Teezer! I believe it was well worth money. They are, however, based in Great Britain. So if you live in America or somewhere that's not there, I suggest looking in beauty supply stores to find them or even a Target. If you go to the Tangle Teezer webpage they go by Euros so that's why I suggest it.
If you don't have one go get you one because you will LOVE it!